Advanced Manufacturing Systems


In the Midwest there are hundreds of large, medium and small technology-rich companies that design, manufacture and install sophisticated machinery, equipment and control systems for discrete and process manufacturing systems for application in commercial buildings, mining, primary metals processing, oil and gas, specialty chemicals, automotive, mobile equipment, food, beverage, paper, electric power, aerospace and pharmaceuticals industries worldwide. These companies employ highly educated engineers and highly skilled workers who are committed to inventing new ways to manufacture high quality goods while improving product quality and reducing production costs. Continuing advances in computer speed, data management and connectivity have opened up new possibilities for real-time systems with machine to machine interfaces and demand pull logistical systems that will revolutionize the way products are manufactured and dramatically reduce their cost.

The Institute is in contact with leading manufacturing companies in the region about collaborative research services, cyberinfrastructure and computational science resources that are should be beneficial, and in some cases necessary, to their respective business operations, especially their R&D activities. It is the expectation of the participants that leaders will be selected, work teams organized and collaborative research projects identified that will be served by the cyber infrastructure being developed by the Institute. If you or your organization is interested in being a participant in the advanced manufacturing cluster please follow the link to Contacts.

To be announced.
Role of the Institute  

The Institute will support the work of the participants in the advanced manufacturing cluster by providing web-based collaboration services to assist project participants with communications, project management, financial and resource management. The Institute will also provide some or all of the computational resources necessary to model, analyze and simulate machine-to-machine and machine-to-business interfaces, structural design elements, and process flow within manufacturing plants, and to configure advanced manufacturing management systems that couple, in real time, vertical plant and business level processes and horizontal supply-chains in order to improve the agility, quality and performance of commercial enterprises.