Public Safety & Homeland Defense Systems


Regional and national defense requirements are ever-changing but critically important aspect of American life.  Our strategies for maintaining national security have in the past been focused on maintaining military superiority and using U.S. force projection to prevent regional military actions from escalating into global conflict.  Since 2001 our attention has been increasingly focused on the mobility of the global population and the accessibility of modern technologies of mass destruction by small groups of political extremists. This has led to a widening circle of security concerns that are increasingly focused domestically, including natural disasters, pandemics and terrorism.  Recent advances in computer processing speed, bio-sensors, vision systems, mass data analysis and mobile connectivity have opened up new possibilities for developing real-time (stream processing) systems that integrate global positioning, continuous event monitoring and situation assessment technology that will enable better prediction, detection, response command and control and remediation of military and civilian emergencies.

The Institute is in contact with many of the manufacturing, service and governmental organizations in the region about collaborative research services, cyber-infrastructure and computational resources that are believed to be beneficial, and in some cases necessary, for development of future transportation products and traffic management systems. It is the expectation of the participants that leaders will be selected, work teams organized and collaborative research projects identified that will be served by the cyber infrastructure being developed by the Institute. If you or your organization is interested in being a participant in the transportation systems cluster please follow the link to Contacts.

The Institute participates as Technical Advisor to the Milwaukee Police Department and the City of Milwaukee.
Role of the Institute           

The Institute will support the work of the participants in the public safety cluster by providing web-based collaboration services to assist participants with communications, project management, financial and resource management. The Institute will provide some or all of the computational resources necessary to acquire relevant data, build shared repositories, and model, simulate and visualize regional crime and safety statistics, 911 dispatch services, emergency management and natural resources concerns.